U.S. Waterproofing | Basement Waterproofing

Wet Basement Solutions & Foundation Waterproofing

Basement Problem Illustration

Foun­da­tion Water­proof­ing is a gen­er­al term that describes the range of ser­vices per­formed to fix a wet base­ment. We often get inquiries ask­ing How much does it cost to water­proof a base­ment?” That is the equiv­a­lent of tak­ing your car into a deal­er and ask­ing, How much will it cost to fix my car?” The answer is gen­er­al­ly, It depends on what is needed”.

The first step in foun­da­tion water­proof­ing is to iden­ti­fy the source of the leak in your wet base­ment. We begin by con­sult­ing with the home­own­er to deter­mine how, when, and where the prob­lem occurs. If the base­ment is unfin­ished, diag­no­sis is much eas­i­er because water leaves a trail. Rest assured; how­ev­er, our Advi­sors are well trained to help you find the source of the prob­lem in a fin­ished base­ment through a vari­ety of deduc­tion methods.

Com­mon Prob­lems and Wet Base­ment Solutions

A good por­tion of our wet base­ment solu­tions involve seal­ing foun­da­tion wall cracks in poured con­crete foun­da­tions (poured con­crete is the most com­mon type of foun­da­tion in the Chica­go metro area). Cracks are read­i­ly vis­i­ble in an unfin­ished base­ment; leak­ing cracks also leave water stains on the foun­da­tion wall and/​or floor. In a fin­ished base­ment, the diag­no­sis starts by iden­ti­fy­ing the area where water first enters the base­ment, then search­ing the exte­ri­or for cracks. All ver­ti­cal cracks extend to the top of the foun­da­tion wall, which is nor­mal­ly exposed above the soil line. Cracks can be sealed from the inte­ri­or using our Epoxy / Ure­thane injec­tion process or from the exte­ri­or using our Wall Clay process. Both meth­ods are very reli­able in pre­vent­ing seep­age through the cracks and both also car­ry our Life­time Trans­ferrable Warranty.

Anoth­er com­mon base­ment water­proof­ing prob­lem is when the source of seep­age is at the cove joint, which is where the floor and wall meet. Often this is caused by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure, which occurs when the water table ris­es after pro­longed rain or snow melt. The accu­mu­lat­ed weight of water in the ground (8 pounds per gal­lon) forces water under­neath the foot­ing and up into the base­ment. The best solu­tion to this type of prob­lem is the instal­la­tion of a Drain Tile Sys­tem, with a sump pump used to dis­charge the water. The drain tile (called a French drain in some parts of the coun­try) relieves the hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure by pro­vid­ing an easy path for the water to escape, thus elim­i­nat­ing the water pres­sure so that the seep­age prob­lem goes away. 

Foun­da­tion Water­proof­ing & Grad­ing Problems

Some­times the diag­no­sis will show water com­ing over the top of the foun­da­tion, through the mor­tar joint between the brick or wood fram­ing that sits atop the foun­da­tion wall. This sit­u­a­tion occurs because the exte­ri­or grad­ing (or paving) meets the house at a lev­el high­er than the top of the con­crete foun­da­tion wall. This can eas­i­ly be con­firmed by run­ning a gar­den hose on the ground along­side the area in ques­tion. Water will usu­al­ly enter the base­ment quick­ly, so we rec­om­mend that you stand-by ready to turn off the water at a moment’s notice.

Often, low­er­ing the grade is not a viable option in these cas­es. We usu­al­ly rec­om­mend that an Exte­ri­or Sub­soil Mem­brane be applied to the below grade por­tion of the wall in sit­u­a­tions like this. It only needs to cov­er the wall from the soil line down and over­lap the foun­da­tion by about 6 inch­es. Foun­da­tion water­proof­ing mem­branes are also very effec­tive for water­proof­ing a vari­ety of brick and stone foun­da­tion seep­age problems. 

Our Base­ment Water­proof­ing Services

There are many oth­er ways water can enter a base­ment, as well. The key to water­proof­ing your wet base­ment starts with prop­er­ly diag­nos­ing the source of the prob­lem. U.S. Water­proof­ing offers a free con­sul­ta­tion and esti­mate as the first step in foun­da­tion waterproofing.

Basement Waterproofing Services

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