U.S. Waterproofing | Primary Sump Pumps

Pri­ma­ry Sump Pumps

A qual­i­ty sump pump is the best invest­ment in keep­ing your base­ment dry. As the water ris­es in your home’s sump basin (some­times referred to as a pit”), the sump pump auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns on to evac­u­ate the water through a dis­charge pip­ing sys­tem and car­ries it safe­ly away from the building. 

How long do sump pumps last? 

Most sump pumps have an aver­age life span of 5 to 7 years, after which they typ­i­cal­ly need replac­ing. Sump pumps are mechan­i­cal devices that break down over time. It is impor­tant to under­stand that unless you have a back­up sump sys­tem in your home, the only way you are going to find out if the pri­ma­ry pump has failed, is by your base­ment flood­ing. It is always best to replace your sump pump based on age ver­sus performance. 

What are some of the best brand sump pumps?

Our con­tin­u­ous quest for the most reli­able, pow­er­ful, and effi­cient sump pump drove us to cre­ate our exclu­sive line of HERO pumps. Our rig­or­ous test­ing of over 5 mil­lion cycles gives our cus­tomers added peace of mind.

Our HERO 3000 Replace­ment Sump Pump has 13 horse­pow­er and pumps 3,000 gal­lons of water per hour (50 gal­lons per minute) at a 10-foot ver­ti­cal lift. For homes that require high­er water vol­ume capac­i­ty, we offer the HERO 3900 Replace­ment Sump Pump, which has ½ horse­pow­er and pumps 3,900 gal­lons of water/​hour (65 gal­lons per minute). 

Ulti­mate­ly, our goal is to install a pump in your home that is the cor­rect size and can eas­i­ly han­dle heavy rains, as this will ensure your base­ment stays dry. 

Do I need a back­up sump pump? 

It’s always a good idea to have a high-qual­i­ty bat­tery back­up sys­tem. So that in the event of an elec­tri­cal pow­er out­age, or when your pri­ma­ry sump pump reach­es the end of its ser­vice life, you have an oper­at­ing sump pump. 

For those who have invest­ed in an auto­mat­ic back­up gen­er­a­tor, you may want to con­sid­er a dual alter­nat­ing pri­ma­ry sump pump sys­tem. By installing a sec­ond pri­ma­ry pump in the sump basin and plug­ging both pumps into an alter­nat­ing con­troller, this gives the home­own­er, total peace of mind. 

Why choose U.S. Water­proof­ing for your pri­ma­ry sump pump?

We are the sump pump experts. Our HERO Replace­ment Sump Pumps offer what mat­ters most with sump pumps — reli­a­bil­i­ty and indus­try lead­ing pump­ing capacity. 

We start with a free in-home con­sul­ta­tion where one of our high­ly trained Advi­sors will pro­vide you with a prop­er diag­no­sis, detailed repair plan, and cost of repair. A func­tion­al sump pump is essen­tial to pre­vent water from flood­ing your base­ment, which can lead to stress­ful, cost­ly, and dis­rup­tive repairs. U.S Water­proof­ing is com­mit­ted to unmatched cus­tomer ser­vice and get­ting the job done right the first time. We stand by our work, and that work has been done for over 500,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion online today!